All Saints Bay - Upper and Lower Salvador, Bahia
Mandinga LLC
Affordable African Cultural History tours to Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Founded on four decades of research and program development in Bahia by Dr. Kenneth Dossar, MANDINGA LLC is an educational and cultural network that creates innovative travel opportunities to Bahia, Brazil. More than just specializing in travel, Mandinga throughout the year produces stateside events showcasing Afro-Brazilian cultural history, music, dance, fashion, art, film, photography, social action, and critical thought. Come, and whether through travel or public programs experience the magic of Mandinga Culture.
With our team of expert guides, cultural workers, and traditional leaders, we are steps above boutique travel companies and tour organizations that offer nice, but unexceptional travel packages to Bahia. Our travel programs offer much more than a glossy vacation that only scratches the veneer of Bahia’s wonders. Mandinga’s tours deeply explore the core of Bahia’s rich traditions providing a mixture of in-depth sophisticated cultural submersion, inspirational discussions of Afro-traditions, contemporary issues, and unforgetable energy of roots entertainment. Mandinga’s tours are designed for inquisitive travelers that relish high quality cultural history presentations, and who wish to experience intimate encounters with secular Afro-Bahian festivals, historical sites, art, fashion, music, dance, beaches, culinary specialities, and Bahia’s most memorable attraction - the warmth of its people. To travel with Mandinga is to know, understand, and feel the magic that is Bahia. There is no higher authentic cultural contact than what we offer.
*Mandinga has varied meanings - with roots in kikongo, and with the Mandinka people brought to Brazil during the trans-Atlantic trade. Mandinga can mean magic, enchantment, among others talisman or amulet. In the roda or circle of capoeira it means cleverness or surprise.